Friday, July 20, 2007

I See London, I See France...

Ella has a book that highlights children from around the world and their lifestyles. As Brin and she were reading through it they laughed when they saw the girl from Brazil. For some reason she wore only underwear in the picture. While this was mildly offensive to me since no other child from any country was clothed like that, I have to admit that it is a fairly accurate portrayal of kids in our neighborhood. Brin was amused by how it reminded her of Mia and how easily she has embraced this practice. She prefers her skivvies to just about any other outfit. We usually don’t mind, it just means fewer clothes that need to be washed. If it persists though, it may become a problem as she gets older, but if we’re lucky she’ll end up being highlighted in a book about needy children.

1 comment:

Nana said...

Well, that triggers a memory! I remember someone's mother when she was 2 and just becoming adept at potty training. Except since it was summer and she was having such fun outdoors.... When the call of nature came, she answered the call and then just removed the offending clothes. Now, did I say whose mother did that!