Monday, July 09, 2007

airy words

Josh and Tom should be arriving home tomorrow after spending 5 days out on the river. They went with a big group, short on women. I am anxious to hear how the trip went and also anxious to just chat with Josh. Before he left we had one of those rare moments in our marriage where I was discouraged and piled high with rubble and when I needed Josh to rescue me, he couldn't because he was under his own pile of rubble. The rare part is not that I was discouraged, it was that Josh was too. So in my usual way of coping I spent an entire day in bed avoiding anything that might annoy or discourage or frustrate me. I missed a breakfast with a visitor from Canada, lunch with a local pastor and then later that evening our 4th of July party. I was not in the mood for fireworks. Nor God for that matter. I told Him he surely had forgotten me. And also mused to myself that maybe God really did not care, and maybe He is not even listening. I taunted Him to speak. The conversation was not all that different from the one Ava has with my bedroom wall when I send her to my room for some discipline. In hopes of staving off punishment, Ava turns her back to me and tells the wall, "I am sorry. I didn't know. My mom is being mean to punish me because I am sorry now." Ava knows she's not talking to the wall, the words are for my benefit. So even if I had ugly thoughts, I knew all along, yes God is listening and yes, He cares. And I am forced to allow Him to heal my broken heart because Josh certainly cannot. This is the way it should be, wouldn't you say? But, wow is it painful.


Anonymous said...

Dear Brin,
Wow! What openness! I'm relieved to know that I'm not the only one who just can't handle to get out of bed on certain days.
Doesn't it comfort you that no matter how much our minds wonder about in ugly places, in the end those thoughts don't affect the Solid Rock that God is? His perfect unfailing love and tender care remain. Regardless! Isn't that something?
Praying for cheerful days!
Love, Junia.

Rebecca Waldo said...

Hey Brin,
As I read your message, I thought about all the times I have been in the same spot. I think these are the real things that the Lord wants us to talk about. How we are really feeling! Thanks for your openness. I am praying for you and I miss you so much! I've been thinking about Brazil like all the time...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your continued honesty and gut level talk. We need to hear it and admit that we all have days like this. My greatest growth comes through the HARD times...but it is worth it. Your sharing only helps us to better support you in are not alone, we are standing with you in prayer.