Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Filters and Followers

My dad and I just got back from a river trip. We were able to see more of the work that is going on out on the rivers (you’ll hear more from him later). One of the things we did was get a tour of the water filter project. The Xingu Mission has 3 missionary families in the river town of Porto de Moz, about 12 hours downriver from Altamira. One of their ministries is building and delivering bio-filters, which are given to people living on the rivers who have no source of clean water.

The water filters not only solve a practical problem in the lives of these river people, but it also builds a bridge to that community, often leading them to invite us to plant a church there. Our work in many communities that now have churches were first begun with the gift of a water filter.

The filters are built out of concrete. They work in much the same way that God designed groundwater to be purified. Layers of sand and gravel along with bacteria, filter out 95% of the impurities. For about $50, the filters can be built and delivered to a remote family. You can read more about the water filter project on the Xingu Mission website.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey guys- Thanks so much for the engagement present! Luke thought the necklaces were adorable :-) Really, though, it's so cool to be reminded that we have friends in Brazil- that you haven't completely forgotten about us! Because we sure haven't forgotten about you guys! I love reading your stories and seeing pictures. I think and pray about you often!! ~Laura