Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Out on the Rio Xingu

Sunday afternoon we left on a long anticipated boat trip. Before coming to Brazil, we had talked with the girls for a long time about how we would be living near a big river and would go out on boat trips and see the jungle, and on and on. I think our girls starting wondering if we had made all that up. It wasn't until about the 4th day when they actually saw this misterious river. And almost 3 weeks past before setting foot on a boat.
We spent only two days on the river, but there was a pink dolphin sighting (no kidding, there are pink dolphins here), we saw and heard monkeys playing in a tree and were able to spend most of the day on a white sandy beach. It was good time of relaxing for the whole family.


davesonya said...

now that's what I'm talkin' about!!!!
glad to hear about some jungle animals & water livin'....
love ya.

Anonymous said...

Your blog and pictures are awesome. I sent the link to bunch of people at our church a couple days ago. Thanks for the efforts.

What an adventure your girls will have! We pray for you as you get settled and look forward to when you can begin to reach out and minister to the people in these villages who don't know God's love.

Dad P