Thursday, March 29, 2007


I feel a little guilty that so many of our posts are about our selves. I really wish that we could be talking about all the amazing work that we are doing . But we just aren’t there yet. Sometimes, we meet someone new and get a little glimpse where God might choose to use us, but often we are just living. Attempting to learn Portuguese even though we often find it discouraging, keeping our kids clean and healthy, as you can witness yourself with Cleide delousing Gabriella. I laugh at how I would have responded to a lice infestation just five months ago. At this point Ava and I are on a second round of antibiotics, Mia had been throwing up all morning. So a little lice is a welcome diversion from all the microbes, at least they can be picked out.


davesonya said...

actually we really want to hear about you here at our house. We need pictures & information about what you are struggling with, like we need coffee in the morning...
love to you all.

jane said...

hey brin! i just deloused myself too. lovely. i know exactly what you mean, and i love knowing what's happening with you and your family!