Thursday, November 27, 2008

My turn to the dark side

Some of you may remember from a previous post (see #5 of the Brazil Top Ten List) I described an obtrusive, yet popular, method of advertising here is large trucks driving around with huge speakers blaring music and advertisements. Well, it seems I've succumbed to the culture.

Our youth group is planning an outreach event at a local gymnasium and they asked me to help them record an advertisement so they could hire a guy to "take it to the streets". I said sure I'd help, but soon after I felt like I had sold my soul.

As I helped a few of my friends with the editing of this masterpiece, I began to recognize the format we were putting together. The advertisements are always about 30 seconds, starting with a background music track - as an announcer's voice (think cheesy DJ voice) begins to vomit the information at you, at the end the music comes up and plays loudly for a few seconds - and then it starts over again. An interesting effect we added, that I often hear, is an echo on the first couple of words and last couple of words the announcer says.

You may find all of this boring. I think I just had to get it off my chest. I'm not sure what my reaction will be if I ever encounter the poor chap driving around blaring our advertisement. I may just start weeping.

1 comment:

Chelsea Newton said...

Josh how could you?