Saturday, May 12, 2007

there and back

We all had a little break and are ready to hit the day. Josh and I got back from exploring Belem while the girls stayed with the Bergen family where there was no shortage of giggles and hugs. Belem provided new sights in the market where there was tons more fruit and vegetables than I had ever seen before. There were new smells, towels fresh from the dryer and new tastes; I accidentally ordered prune ice cream. It was named sensacao, which sounds like sensation so I thought it had to be good, and the prunes looked like fudge swirls. It was very mean of it to deceive me. And Belem provided a new friend. We met an Aussie named Henry who traveled back with us to Altamira and will spend some time checking out what we do here before continuing on his journey.

Now we are back and will be readying ourselves for the next boat trip in 5 days. I will be hitting homeschooling desperately hard, poor Ella.
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