Friday, September 08, 2006

I'm writing this from St. Louis, only a stop-over on our way to Colorado Springs where we will begin our 5 week training on Monday, Sep. 11th. We moved out of our house yesterday. We had planned to kind of do a gradual move, so it didn't come down to one hectic day. I suppose in hindsight that was a little naive. There's only so much you can do before the actual day arrives.
As we did a final walk-through of our house the girls got pretty emotional. I have to admit it was more difficult for me than I thought it would be. Even though we hadn't actually owned the house for over a month, it really sank in as we walked through the empty house. There has been several "leaps of faith" that we have had to take, giving notice for our jobs and selling the house were the two big ones. I didn't really think moving out would take faith. But, driving away from our house for the last time, knowing we were now homeless and more dependant on God and others than we maybe have ever been, was very scary. Paradoxically, we also noted how freeing it was. The "stuff" we fill up our lives with no longer ownes us. Ella expressed our mixed emotions well when she said she wants to move to Brazil but she doesn't want to leave Tremont. It's becoming more and more clear that to go to Brazil we have to leave our comfortable home and community. It seems the leaving is harder than the going.

Quick Update:
  • We are still waiting to hear back about our visas - if all goes smoothly we should get them late Sep./early Oct. (things rarely go smoothly).
  • Our support is nearing the 2/3 mark, but seems to be slowing down a little.

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