Friday, September 01, 2006

Brin's Work Friends

When we were in Romania we stayed with American missionaries for about 4 days. They were full of all kinds of advice about living abroad, developing support, ministering in foreign cultures. Stuff like that. They said they didn't realize how hard it would be to come home to friends and family after being gone. You expect everyone to just stay the same as when you left. Of course that doesn't happen. The strange thing is that I am already feeling it a bit. I met up with friends from St. Francis Peds Intermediate where I used to be an RN. ("Used to be"... so I am not anymore?! Yikes) They talked about new radiology protocols, bizarre parents, the new docs hired, the incompetent residents. Two friends also shared personal stories of devestating tragedy and on the other end of the spectum, hope in the birth of a new baby. For those people life stands still for a split second. Then, at some point, life regains speed and whizzes on just like everyone else. I felt a little distanced, maybe out of the loop, you could say. I would venture to say I am supposed to have those feelings. But like the missionaries in Romania, it just surprised me. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

jane said...

now my "little" worries about what awaits me when i come home is growing! thanks! maybe we can make a little spot where time doesn't that possible. it excites me to read about you guys getting ready to go!