Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Manaus and back

 Beth, Roger, and Brin and I, exploring the streets of Manuas.

As we prepared to land in Manaus, my mind took me back to two years earlier... after our first furlough, we scheduled a 3 day stay in Manaus.  We thought it would be a good transition back after a busy three months.  The only thing I can remember about those three days is thinking it was two days too long...  And here we were, returning - not just for a quick stopover but to catch a glimpse at what our new lives might look like.

We knew our lives would be very different in Manaus, but seeing it first hand forced us to see that .  It seems almost every aspect of our lives will be different.  I'm sure we will come to like some of these changes, but in the meantime it can seem a bit overwhelming.  

 Manaus, a city of 2 million, has traffic. Plenty of it. And never once did we pass a horse and cart like we would in Altamira. We not real sure what we would be buying at the "Shop Dope"....

We toured several Brazilian schools, all of them very modern by the standards that we are accustomed.

 We enjoyed our rice and beans in the hangar.

  Roger and I checking out one of the planes that is maintained at the hangar where I will be working.

So we are back in the States, but only for a short time.  We leave for Brazil at the end of Oct. and will be in Altamira until the end of year, at which point we will move to Manaus.  

I'm reminded of the river Javari that we traveled up on a survey trip last spring.  The river cuts sharp turns through the jungle, doubling back on itself at every turn.  But all the while it slowly moves toward the mouth, it's final destination.  It's so easy to get caught up in the turns of life, but it's refreshing to know that He is taking us where He wants us to go.  

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1


Rich Schurter said...

Is there a Mister Burg (sp)? God bless in your new adventure, look for us in 2012.

Laura Stuber said...

Josh, I'm just now reading your post, but as I read the first few sentences (about your first 3 day stay in Manaus), I thought to myself... didn't he learn anything in Romania? Remember when we stayed in Brasov for a couple of days at the very end of our trip? And all we wanted to do was go home? And Melissa and Alissa and I broke down and cried in the town square? Didn't you think a stop in Manaus after a furlough would be a little like that? Maybe you should ask me next time you plan a trip...

Seriously, though, we're so excited for you guys and your new ministry! I'll have to start reading the blog more to get those updates!


Laura @ Life Overseas said...

Hi Josh and Brin, just found you via Missionary Moms blogroll. Enjoyed seeing a glimpse into your work in Brazil. We have just moved to Thailand and are new at missions, but it is encouraging to see other families excited about globally loving Jesus. All the best in the transitions . . .

I know that is such a huge part of missionary lifestyle.