Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving on the Rio Negro

I fell asleep in my hammock, gently swinging between two trees on a beach somewhere on the Rio Negro, under a brilliantly starry sky.  Only to be greeted in the morning by a magnificient sunrise, admitedly, I don´t see a lot of sunrises, but I don´t remember one quite this colorful.  Our boat lazily waited on the beach, we were in no hurry to finish the 10 hour journey from Santa Isabel to Barcelos.  We still had about 4 hours to go, but we´ve been trying to allow time to listen to God, and share as a group each morning.  As I read in Psalms "offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving...", a thought occured to me and I turn to Luke and asked "hey Luke, what days is it?"  "Thursday, I think" 

Thanksgiving has always been a family day.  I grew up every year going to both of my extended families' thanksgivings.  It was just what we did.  Brin often reminds me how when we had our first thanksgiving together and were discussing our plans, I selfishly said "well of course we have to go to my family things on thanksgiving", not even considering that her childhood may have been different (yeah, we had a few issues to work out).  At any rate, thanksgiving for me is being with family.  And here I was, in the middle of the Rio Negro, 2 days boat ride from what most people would call civilization (Manaus), with 4 fellow missionaries and 2 brazilians that we had hired as guides. 

I have to admit, the first feelings were of self-pity, wishing I were somewhere else, eating something else.  But before long a feeling of peace decended on me.  This was a unique experience I was having, seeing new places and sights, experiencing the beauty and majesty of God.  Like the 10 foot crocidile sunbathing on the beach, the tea-colored water of the Rio Negro, the endess white-sand beaches lining the banks and islands, the indigenous people of the region, and of course the sunrises, sunsets and star-filled night sky.

I do miss my family, but this year I am more aware than ever, and thankful for, the beauty of God's nature.

(pictures  to come later)


Tom Pflederer said...

I remember well the mixed emotions of a holiday away from home in a variety of beautiful places. We are enjoying time with Hillriches and my Dad, who is doing much better, but also thinking often of you and your family. Anna was begging me for a story about you today at the park, and once again was delighted and amazed at the silly putty at school fiasco, old and familiar to many but brand new to her. Love to all, Dad

Ana Degenaar said...

I understand what you are going through, blessings from Fortaleza

myletterstoemily said...

my 17 year old daughter has been invited by dear friends to spend the year in brazil with them as missionaries.

it is helpful for me to 'see' a bit through your eyes.