Friday, March 27, 2009

A birthday and a new ministry

Mia just turned 5, for those of you keeping track. With the girls attending a brazilian school they are making more friends. They were excited to invited some of them to Mia's party. I think the friends were equally interested to learn how these strange blonde girls live. I'm sure they were disappointed.

Here's a short clip of Mia opening her presents.

Brin has been in charge of starting a weekly outreach program for our English school. The English school, at which she has taught in the past, is part of our social outreach program. Several students have been introduced to our church, and later making a decision to follow Christ, after attending the English classes. Brin has long had a heart to use this opportunity that we have with so many people from the community. The outreach programs include English songs, skits, or videos, folowed by a short talk and discussion groups afterward.
The first meeting was well attended, so we hope that it takes off.

Ava and Ella where able to participate in a skit, my only fear is that they will be typecast as obnoxious younger sisters. Also in this photo: Chelsea, Marilda and Angelica.

Brin playing a game with visitors.


McSarah said...

Parabens a voce!
Feliz Aniversario!!!
(i had to look those guys up : ) )
blessings to y'all!

alycepaige said...

its so cute to listen to brin speak Portuguese. you have come a long way! even though I had no idea what you were saying =)