We've had a busy couple of weeks. On the heals of our trip to Maribel we left for a short trip on the river. We did have one day rest before leaving again, but we also picked up some more guests (Brin's mom, sister and a friend, Emily).
This river trip was unique in that we traveled in a small boat up a creek for about 30 minutes to the village. As we left it was just getting dark, on the return trip it was pitch dark, except for the stars that we occasionally glimpsed through the jungle canopy. Upon getting home, Brin and I commented on how much the trips had taken out of us. Then we realized that Pastor Naldo had gone on both trips as well. The difference was that along the way he took time to minister to countless people. Not only does he seem at home on the river (after all, he was born on the river and raised "drinking milk out of a turtle shell" as Pastor Clenildo jokes) but he also has a natural ability (and desire) to connect with the people.
It's easy to forget that people like Naldo have lives outside of the work here. Fortunately his wife was able to go along with us on the river trip. Even as I write this Naldo is probably planning his next trip to a remote village. We are privileged to be working alongside men like Naldo whose passion reminds us why we are here.
To learn more about Pastor Naldo read this post from back in April .
So who took the picture of all the gang in the boat together? (I think you were over the coast guard limit!)
we actually had another boat that I was in. I wish I had a picture of that one, it was actually a dugout canoe with an outboard motor. Don't worry, we had to of had at least 2 in. of boat out of the water!
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