Monday, July 31, 2006

The Gomez Family visiting the Midwest

We are back from Midwest Camp (in Indiana). We spent a week learning Bible inspired conflict resolution. It was insightful and instructive. So if any of you have some conflicts with us; bring it on.
We brought Pastor Alphonso home with us for a few days. Josh met him through John and Rachel Gongloch when he went to do some work projects in inner city LA in 1998. Pastor Alphonso and his family have since moved to Denver where he pastors a Hispanic church plant. Pastor loves to preach. Dare not give him microphone unless you have some time on hand. Josh and I crashed his family devotion time last night where he unknowingly, spontaneously and Spirit inspiredly taught on one of Josh's favorite scriptures. Luke 18:18-29 (the rich ruler). He commended us for selling our house and belongings and moving to Brazil. He passionatley proclaimed his church will stand behind us. It was touching and encouraging. Later on in bed I thought about how easy it is right now to press on towards Brazil. We have lots of family helping us out and friends spurring us on right now. How will I respond to God's call when I am hammock-ridden with malaria, missing my mom and dad while watching a furry taratula climb on my window screen? (btw: If you know Staci Staich have her do her impression of a tarantula, it's hilarious). I will just try to remind myself to be thankful for the screen, I suppose.
Pastor Alphonso has never been to the Midwest. He is preoccupied with all things Abe Lincoln (from watching America the Beautiful when he recieved his green card) and was overcome with wonder that Lincoln actually stayed in a home here in Tremont. He also really, really likes sweet corn. See the plate of corn on the table? Those are actually the cobs that he and Benilda finshed off, themselves! I made rhurbarb crisp last night too but he was not so keen on that.
-bzpPosted by Picasa

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